De Zeeuw van Vlaanderen

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Self-supported road race

After a successful first challenge named ‘DuoDiagonaal’ (featured in issue 5), my brother Laurens and I decided to take on the 2nd challenge named ‘De Zeeuw van Vlaanderen‘ on October 1.

The rules are easy. Self-supported, which means no help from outside, no resupply posts  etcetera. Visit all checkpoints in random order, this time 13(!) of them scattered across the Dutch province Zeeland.

The group start was in Woensdrecht at 8:00h. 298 kms later we crossed the finish line (same place) at 21:23h. Sixth place!


DeZeeuwVanVlaanderen dscf3212 dscf3214 dscf3227 dscf3228 dscf3247 dscf3256 dscf3260 dscf3263 dscf3265 dscf3274 dscf3276 dscf3279 dscf3283 dscf3291 dscf3298 dscf3302 dscf3313 dscf3318 dscf3323 dscf3326 dscf3327 dscf3331 dscf3341 dscf3347 dscf3352 dscf3368 dscf3376 dscf3387 dscf3394 dscf3401 dscf3409 dscf3410 dscf3417 dscf3418


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Photographer on a bike, enjoys long distances onroad, varied with the occasional offroad track.

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